Oedipus Rex
There once was a techie named Tom
Who thought Oedipus Rex was da bomb
So he posted some pix
naughty stories and flicks
on ihadyourmomlastnight.com
The problem with a Palm PDA:
Graffiti makes one's writing style stray!
Your "4"s lack a line
A slash takes more time
And what looks like a fish is your "K"
Your "U"looks the same as your "V"
A "Q"s tail's never where it should be
You use less strokes
Then most other folks
Whenever you¹re writing a "T"
An @ looks like "O"with a dot
A quote looks like quotes, but it¹s not
So don¹t write out a letter
A PDA owner better
Use keyboards and e-mail a lot!
Blown Circuitry
There once was a little transistor
who constantly shorted his sister
his leads soon grew thin
the result of his sin
and now he is just a resistor
Ham Radio
My father loved radio (ham)
But I told him that shortwave's a sham.
I got him online,
And now hear him whine,
That he traded his static for spam.
There was a cheap geek from Des Moines
Who was hard-pressed to part with his coins
His cash-saving trick
when he broke his joy-stick
was to wire up the one from his loins
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