The art of writing code-
Does swearing at incorrect code
invoke the correct yourself mode
no, go have a drink then
go through it again
and if it still doesn't work fuck it, fuck it to hell, arrrrggghh !!!!!
A young British gamer, with zeal
mused, "How good overclocking must feel!"
He cracked open his Dell
And exclaimed, "Bloody 'elll,
I'll require a new hamster and wheel!"
an epic
A girl owned an Apple 2e
Which filled her with absolute glee.
She knew C++
But BASIC was her lust.
And Frogger's no fun in 3d.
She was not quite frequently dated
And usually met guys whom she hated.
But one date said "Fine,
Let's GOTO 69!"
She knew right then that love was fated.
He quickly became her new boyfriend
But, by jealousy, he was soon quite rent
"You're so paranoid!
It's just Arkanoid.
And Pac-Man is simply a friend."
This did not appease the mad boyfriend
His intolerance could know no end.
"I hate Titus Canby!
It's the Apple or me!"
So the 2e took his place in her bed.
There are no morals in her pleasure.
It's postmodern, measure for measure.
Where did her love go?
It was Carmen Sandiego!
She stole more than just national treasures.
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