Hollywood, CA - Not satisfied with the groundbreaking special effects in Avatar, director James Cameron plans to film the sequel to the $1 billion grossing film on location on Pandora to bring an even more realistic look to the movie.
The project to build the spaceship began soon after the initial success of Avatar, and should be completed by December 2010.
Cameron has been applauded for his vision, but revealed he was far less visionary that suspected. "I'd love to take credit for the look and feel of the film, but I have the real life Na'vi to thank for that," he said.
"I started receiving communications from them back in 1996 on my ansible, and they began to send me footage of their planet. I was blown away, but it wasn't until recently that we had the technology to reproduce their beautiful moon," said Cameron.
With the astronomical profits from the film and technology sent from the Na'vi (who are far more technologically advanced than portrayed in the film), the ship will be capable of reaching Pandora in a little over 2 months.
"We'll arrive on Pandora around mid-March and should complete filming by June," said Cameron. "Filming at the actual location will be so much easier than trying to do it all on computer."
Cameron didn't reveal any details about the plot of the sequel, but said "think The Lion King crossed with Waterworld."
The movie studios backing the project are worried that it could become the first trillion dollar movie, but Cameron assured them that inter-galactic profits would more than cover than cost.
"By using non-unionized Na'vi actors and no server farms we're going to be saving a lot of money," he said.
Avatar 2 has been scheduled for release summer 2011 unless Cameron gets eaten by a viperwolf.