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Monday, March 17 12:00 AM ET

Social Network Aggregator Aggregator Launched

By Brian Briggs

Mountain View, CA – First there were the social sites like Digg, Facebook and Twitter to compile your friends all in one spot, but that didn't work because your friends used different services.  Then friend aggregators like Spokeo, Friendfeed and Plaxo Pulse came along to put your social networks under one roof.  However, those don't work because they don't all integrate with every site you need.

A Mountain View based startup called has a solution; a new social network aggregator aggregator service which puts all the social network aggregators under one roof.

"If you have a Plaxo Pulse account and FriendFeed or some other social aggregator account, then you can put all that information together at  We add another layer of complexity which we hope will simplify the process of keeping you in touch with your friends," said AllMyFrickingFriends CEO Tim Werthmeier. does have the most comprehensive service, but it comes at a price.  Duplicating content from multiple feeds could swamp users with the same information. 

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"Say for instance your friend 'favorites' a video on YouTube.  You'll get notified by YouTube, FriendFeed and Plaxo Pulse all in your feed," said social networking guru Kelvin Daisy. "Then that video gets linked on Digg, you'll get three more alerts, then all the people talking about it on Twitter will get you some more alerts, then other bloggers from your Google Reader start linking it and finally your feed is overrun with waterskiing squirrels."

Werthmeier said that duplication could be a problem for some users, but said, "Those duplications are a kind of social redundancy failsafe which makes sure you'll never miss anything important."

Daisy said, "I have one question. Who will aggregate the aggregator aggregators?" has raised $5 million in capital in their first round of funding, and expects to reach profitability in 2020.

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