The iPhone has been out for months, but the Gphone doesn't exist yet. That might be a problem for other sites, but not here. Our unique methodologies don't rely on boring technical details, or mind-numbing specifications. We think that actually having the product could cloud the judgment of the reviewer.
iPhone - Exactly what you'd expect from Apple, but not very creative.
Gphone - Google hasn't even chosen this name, but it's what we've got to go with now. This name could lead to the entertaining review title of "Gphone Hits the G-Spot."
Advantage - Gphone
Domain Names - At launch the domain directed to another phone site, but now the URL takes you to Apple's iPhone page. It took some time, but that's how it should work. - Takes you to Globalphone Corporation's Web site. That might be a problem if Google goes with the Gphone name. Fortunately, Google has enough money to buy any company it wants at this point, so it can be easily remedied.
Advantage - iPhone
Alphabetical Order
Gphone - First
iPhone - Second
Advantage - Gphone
Google Fights
Normally we compare the two products on Google, but one of these products comes from Google. We want to remove even the appearance of bias, so we used Yahoo instead.
The best two out of three wins...
The iphone exists - 5,230,000 results
The gphone exists - 84,000 results
The iPhone uses its existence to win this one.
Winner: iPhone
The iphone is a destroyer of worlds - 156,000
The gphone is a destroyer of worlds - 94
You better be careful where you point your iPhone.
Winner: Gphone
The iphone cures pancreatic cancer in minutes - 464
The gphone cures pancreatic cancer in minutes - 17
If you're at risk for pancreatic cancer, then the iPhone should be your choice.
Winner: iPhone
Advantage: iPhone
Superhero Features
Can the phone impart any superhero powers to the owner?
iPhone - No
Gphone - No
iPhone - No
Gphone - No
iPhone - No
Gphone - Yes
Advantage: Gphone
Random Image of Willy Wonka
Advantage - iPhone
Virtual Coin Flip - Best of 11
The virtual coin flipper was used at I chose the Eucratides - Silver Tetradrachm - Bactria Indo-Sythican Greek Kingdom coin.
iPhone - Heads
Gphone - Tails
Results: T-T-T-T-H-H-H-H-H-T-H
Advantage: iPhone
The iPhone narrowly beats out the Gphone by a score of 4-3, but this may face reexamination when the Gphone gets a name and exists. Until then, the iPhone wins its second Technical Award of Excellence.

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