Ottumwa, IA - In the early hours of the morning, .NET, Microsoft's
platform for XML Web services, saved a five-year-old boy who fell
down a well in Ottumwa, Iowa.
Erwin Trickle apparently fell down the thirty foot well and became
stuck while in pursuit of a prairie dog. Local authorities were alerted,
and spent 16 hours at the site attempting to remove the boy from
the narrow opening.
At his wit's end, Ottumwa Cheroot Buck Bettendorf contacted Microsoft's
head office in Redmond, Washington, hoping for a solution. Bettendorf
spoke with Microsoft Solutions, who assured him that .NET could solve
any problem he might encounter.
"I was durned skeptical at first," Bettendorf stated, "but
them folks in Washington told me that this .NET 'enables an unprecedented
level of software integration through the use of XML Web services:
small, discrete, building-block applications that connect to each
other--as well as to other, larger applications--via the Internet.'
Well, I said to my deputy, if that ain't gonna save little Erwin,
nothing will."
The Cheroot's Office IT expert spent the next 34 hours installing
.NET on the department computer network. Bettendorf applauded the
simple installation process. "We had to put an extension onto
the kitchen to store all the CDs, but other than that it was easier
than shooting pigs in a barrel."
During the delay, the boy was forced to devour the prairie dog
who shared his plight.
Architecture of a Savior

As a photo was unavailable, Little Erwin is represented
by Backstreet Boy Kevin "Train" Richardson.
Bettendorf described the rescue process. "Once the thing was
installed, well, hell, it pretty-much ran itself. I guess that's
why they call it 'no-touch' deployment. We just fired that baby up
and wizz-bang-a-doodle, it had that boy out of the well in a matter
of minutes. Plus, it balanced the department's books, got us some
apple fritters and impregnated our receptionist, Mary-Lou. This .NET
Framework is the cat's meow. Course, we're still not exactly sure
what it is. Nobody at Microsoft could tell us either."
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