interviews with real people. Unlike the rest of BBspot there's nothing
made up here. I know it's a difficult transition but I'm not fooling.
We did email these questions and these were the responses.
In the first of what will be a continuing series, Wil
Wheaton of Star
Trek: The Next Generation, Stand
By Me and Python fame
subjects himself to 11 questions from BBspot. Enjoy!
BBspot (1): All the geeks want to know, what
kind of computer system you have and what games do you play on it?
Processor? OS? Details please.
The Wil Machine |
Wil: Oh boy. Well, all the geeks are going to rejoice when
they hear that the box they use for target practice is probably superior
to mine. My computer was built from zero by me and my friend. It's
a Pentium 2, 128 megs of ram, uh...I have some kind of swell video
card that does all those 3DFX things, and a crappy soundblaster sound
card. My brother and I just crammed a bunch of big hard drives into
the case, and put in a new CD-ROM drive, so we're completely out
of space inside. Tell you what, if I ever find Gordon Moore, I'm
gonna kick him in the neck.
Put it this way: when it was built, it was hot, like Jolene Blalock.
Now, it's more like Teri Hatcher: hot in it's day, but now it's just
The games I play these days are Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, Unreal
Tournament, and MAME.
Oh, and I'm running Windows 2000, because I'm too lame for Linux.
But some day...oh, some day I will learn Linux, and then, from Hell's
dark heart I will stab at thee!
BBspot (2): Did you learn anything important about being
an actor when doing Stand By Me, or did it just help you meet chicks?
Wil: Meeting chicks? Dude. I was 13. If you'd have put a
naked girl and a 720 degrees set to free play in front of me, I would
have said, "Skate or Die!" as I pushed her aside.
Come to think of it, things haven't changed too much...
(3): Were you nervous working with OJ on the set of Hambone
and Hillie?
Wil: There are very few times in my life that I am grateful
to not be a blonde woman. Being around OJ was one of those times.
Poor, poor OJ. He's only been able to convince 12 people in the whole
world that he's not a murderer. Personally, I think Gary Condit is
The Real Killer.
BBspot (4): Who would you like to see yourself pitted against
in MTV's Celebrity Death Match and why?
Wil: Britney Spears. But we'd fight it out Pam Grier-Cleopatra-Jones-Style:
in the first minute, I'd rip off her shirt, we'd scream "Bitch" at
each other, and then we'd do it to sweet-ass 70's porn music. Hit
me baby, one more time!
(5): Did you feel like your character suffered from an Oedipus
complex in Star Trek:The Next Generation? I mean, your mom was
really hot, and your dad died under cloudy circumstances.
Wil: When Wesley's dad died, Wesley was so traumatized, he
had to spend many, many nights sleeping in Dr. Crusher's quarters...and
the therapeutic sponge baths really helped with the grieving process.
Oh, and the oral sex.
Check out
Part II of the interview where Wil addresses Star Trek fans
who can't separate Wesley from Wil.
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