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Tuesday, April 27 12:00 AM EDT

Psychotropic Drug

By jackrabbit

BBspot does not condone the use of psychotropic drugs unless you are in fact hallucinating homicidal parakeets. I had to look up the proper drug lingo as my daliance with controlled substances is limited to an unfortunate incident with Nair, and one extended period in a closed environment with an open bottle of model airplane glue.

I got plenty of rest this past week and also had a chance to finish playing Far Cry. The game is a lot of fun, but parts of it can be difficult. For example, the last level requires some kind of bionic implant to beat. I was going to give up and just forget ever beating it, but I'm not the kind of guy that wants to known as a quitter. Not me. Instead I looked up some cheat codes and beat it that way. See, I'd much rather be known as a cheater (which will not come as much surprise to the girls I dated in college).

Anyhow, I'll see you guys next week when the SWAT team starts closing in on Skeeter, and Ned misplaces his prescription.

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