EU Looks into Anti-competitive Practices by USA Olympic Teams |
Rupert Murdoch to Remove News Corp Sites from Internet |
CNN Validates Time Traveler's Claims, Networks Broadcast Message |
Teacher's Science Experiment Results in Balloon Boy 2 |
Humanity Threatened by Patent on Biological Reproduction |
Newspapers Warn of Unchecked Tree Growth |
Obama Proposes Saving Throws, Death Master in Health Care Plans |
Congress Debates Moolah for Moochers Program |
Coming Clean about the Twitter Premium Article |
Fifteen Patients Die as Earth Hour Kills Life Support in Hospital |
Department of Treasury Introduces Consumer Achievements as Part of Economic Stimulus Plan |
US Plans on Selling States to Stay Solvent |
Palin Plan Includes Selling Banks on eBay |
Nigerian Billionaire Helps Rescue Failing Banks |
Olympic Committee Rethinking Borg's Inclusion in Beijing Games |
Classic: Obtaining Porn Not Challenging Enough for Kids |
McCain Embraces Technology, Wants to Be First President to Declare War Via Facebook |
Nigerian Philanthropist Powers Economy, Inspires |
Mile Now Same Length as Kilometer |
CNN.com Looking for Innovative Ways to Put News in Ads |
Bush Thinks Nuclear Option Best Solution for Global Warming |
Elusive Dora the Explorer Captured, Awaiting Deportation |
New Daylight Savings Plan Would Skip Sunday, Add Wednesday |
Boston Police Blow Up Suspicious Looking Man |
Giant Meteor Headed Toward Earth Could Be Covered in Germs |
California School Bans Peanut Products in Students' Homes |
Electronic Voting Machines to Print Out Coupons, Lottery Tickets |
Hundreds of Countries Reclassified as "Dwarf Countries" |
Babies Banned from Flying |
TSA Requiring Travelers to Empty Bladders Before Boarding Planes |
NSA Announces New Dating Service |
Mexico Building Fence to Keep Out Immigrants |
Iran Pledges to Develop Bionuclear Bomb |
Bush Calls for End of Sports Welfare |
Extreme Eaters Eat for World Hunger |
RIAA Offers Lawsuit Protection Family Packs |
Cost of Covering Rita Exceeds Cost of Actual Damage |
Millions of Displaced Texans Outraged at Needless Evacuation |
Senate Reaches Compromise on Gay Flag Burning Ban Amendment |
God Annoyed at Having to "Sort 'em Out" |
Survey Shows More Bloggers than People |
Bush New Social Security Plan Includes Lottery Accounts |
The American Prosperity Forever Bill Moves to the Senate |
Air Force Outsources Physical Fitness Program |
War on Terror Ends in Surrender |
George W. Bush Countdown Clock |
U.S. Pledges $350 Million and Magical Unicorns for Tsunami Relief |
Canada Purchases Rights to "The Land of the Free" from USA |
US Officials Stop River at Border |
Bush to Abolish Government |
Americans Greet Bush Reelection with a Collective "Baa" |
Bush Wins Preemptive Election in Florida |
Bush Campaign to Highlight "Lighter Side" of War on Terror |
New Hampshire Residents Choose to Die |
BBspot Labs: Bush Vs. Kerry |
Terror Probe Targets Aging Folk Rockers |
The Scourge of the Dubyacadas |
Hurricane Paula Closes Schools in Florida for October |
Handy Email Response for Well-meaning Friends and Neighbors |
Swift Boats for Truth Create New 527 |
Hurricane Charley Declared Enemy Combatant |
9/11 Panel Calls Neocons "Nation's Greatest Threat" |
MacGyver Foils Airport Security |
Reagan's Death "The Perfect Diversion" |
Security Gap in Condoleezza Rice's Front Teeth Exposed |
Massachusetts Debates Different-Sex Marriage Ban |
Maxwell Smart Testifies Before Congress on Intelligence Lapses |
Americans Must Work Weekends at Wal-Mart |
Dean Quits Race, Declares Himself King of Vermontia |
Saddam Hussein Was Stockpiling Couscous |
Impressive Hair Leads to Kerry Win in New Hampshire |
Attorneys Invade Iraq to Drum Up Business |
Dean Garners More Irrelevant Democrat Endorsements |
Privately Managed Jail Starts Perks for Perps Prisoner Reward Program |
Flashing Yellow Lights Puzzle BMW Driver |
Stoner Senator Wonders How Much Pot $87 Billion Could Buy |
The Sound of One Person Debating |
Bush Administration Outsourcing Policy Making to Saudi Arabia |
Mississippi Judge Ordered to Remove Twelve-foot Burning Cross From Courthouse |
War with North Korea Scheduled for Next Summer |
Rest of Country Plans to Recall California |
Poll Finds Majority of Polls Bogus |
California Governor Candidate Guide |
I Must Drop Out |
Predator Enters California Gubernatorial Race |
Rumsfeld Accuses Saddam of Camping |
Fucking Piņata Finally Breaks |
Frito Lay to Offer Fuller-fat Versions of Popular Snacks |
Doctors Reveal Bush Using Corked Vice-president |
US Nose Ring Population in Serious Decline |
Chemistry Demo Team Rapidly Oxidized |
Winged Analogy Makes Perfect Landing |
SEC Expels Journalists from Wall Street |
Senator Opposes War in Iraq, Supports Hookers |
Grade Inflation Forces New Grading System |
Snow Miser Suspected in D.C. Snow Attack |
Long-Term Healing Potion Use May |
Tobacco Company To Sue Lifelong Smoker |
Automobile Virus Spreading Through Gas Nozzles |
Clinton to Assume Notre Dame Post |
Bush Administration's Bright Shiny Object Fascinates Americans |
Coffee Addict Denies Sleeping Problem |
Media To Retire Facts, Journalistic Standards |
Cancer Reasearcher Turns Off News Whenever Cancer Talked About |
Americans Surprised to Learn of Upcoming Election |
Ford Testifies to Stop Ride Sharing |
Terror Alert: Man Captured with Necessary Components to Make Nuclear Bomb |
Blind Kid Sorry He Masturbated |
Students Light Cigarettes Ablaze in Tobacco Protest |
Arthur Andersen to Shift Business Focus |
Publisher Cleared in Pop-Up Book Trial |
Daschle Proposes Restrictions on Box Cutters |
Government Offers More Specific Warnings |
Bush Threatens ISO Certification on Taliban |
Anthrax Outbreak Spawns Reports of Megadeth, Pantera |
Atheist Still Unconvinced After Meeting With God |
Texas Votes to Spare Retarded Killers |
Local Paper Gives Bad Heads |
Protesters Clash in Portland |
Hillary Clinton Voted "Best Dressed" by Senate |
Geek's Report on Monty Python Earns a Beating |
Bush Tells Childhood Bully, "This Army!" |
Thinking About Exercise Keeps You Fit |
Astronomers Discover Another Blob in Space |
Dreamcastless Search for Hope |
Supreme Court Just Kidding, Reverses Decision |
Reagan Requests Recount in Minnesota |
Manuel Recount Tired of All the Election Jokes |
Scientists Uncover "People Who Buy This Crap" |
"Got Acid?" PETA Slams Toad Lickers |
Vote Dodgers Flee to Canada |
Bush Plan will Simplimify Keg Purchases |
Microsoft Execs Win Nobel Prize in Monopolies |
Gore Plan Supplies Drugs to Seniors |
Drunken Night Ends in DeCSS Tattoo, Jail |
Betty Ford Drinks to Husband's Health |
Government to Distribute Souls to Spammers |
Jealous Californians Fail in Wildfire Attempt |
Slug Bug Purists Say New Bug Ruining Game |
Office Jesus Turns Water Into Coffee |
Moral Dilemma Resolved With Tequila |
Kentucky Legalizes Sister-Brother Civil Unions |
Operation: Silver Spoons |
NRA: Flag Burning Bad, Flag Shooting OK |
Clinton Proposes Money for "Smart Gun" Development |
PETA Members Shown Food Chain - Disband |
We Want Bush! We Want Gore! |
Elian Gonzalez to be Split in Half |
[Shorter list] |