Reviewinator |
Starring |
L. Derek Leonidoff
Terry Jernigan |
Director |
Jonathan Friedman |
Official Site |
Link |
US Opening |
? |
Rated |
Genre |
Comedy |
Dead Bodies |
0 |
Explosions |
0 |
Weapons |
Knee, rifle, fists, shotgun, handgun,
falling plaster, head, shirt, knife, back of hand, fist. |
Voice Over |
Yes |
"In a world where..." |
"Until one... extraordinary... day..." |
Spoilage Factor |
35% |
Geek Factor |
10% |
See Trailer? |
Yes |
See Movie? |
Good Luck |
The trailers reviewed on BBspot are usually big budget Hollywood
films with familiar stars, familiar music and familiar plots. This
film, Moving, was made for under $10,000 and if you recognize
anyone in this trailer you're either family or part of the cast and
The trailer follows the mis-adventures of Ron Fervent. It's a bit
of an understatement to say that Ron is having a bad day. Not only
does his house get stolen, but he also gets an awful lot of guns
pointed at him which is never very comfortable. To complete the day
he ends up on a deserted country road with only his boxer shorts
for protection.
The trailer has more laughs than the entire Adam Sandler trailer
collection combined. I know that's not that much of an compliment,
but consider the fact that the entire movie cost less than Little
Nicky's tolietries budget.
Witty dialog is abundant throughout the production, but I guffawed
when John asks a guy with a sniper rifle,"Did I or did I not,
just see you shoot an ant?" Pure comic gold.
The trailer finishes with the quick-cut montage normally reserved
for action trailers, but it works well for this comedy. I won't ruin
the ending, but I can assure you it's not about a house.
on Trailer: It lacks the spit and polish of a Hollywood production
and could use the "In a world where..." guy, but the quality
is in the humor which makes this one a winner. Score one for the
Conclusion on Movie: With craptacular Hollywood comedies like Master
of Disguise and Mr. Deeds filling the screens this summer, Moving would
be a welcome change.
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