The Rack of Love

Caption: This is a picture of me and my rack. We go back
a long time, well actually, last summer, when I scored it for free
from work. I had to slide it down a muddy hill, to get it into my
basement apartment. It now holds my server, my two alphas, and my
IBM switch (which is one end of the fiber that connects the other
side of the place), and naturally I have two Bay Networks hubs which
are used as shelving (since the alphas aren't rack mountable). There
are many like it, but this rusted piece of steel is mine. It is my
raison d'etre.
Judges said: "Not only has this man pulled his rack
through the mud - it holds a special place of honor in his apartment
- not in some dark, dirty little wiring closet - no no - his rack
lives in the kitchen, close the microwave and fridge. He shows the
geekiest true love!"
"Classic rack humping!"
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