
Fresno, CA (2001)
Hour 1
Follow the Stories from Fresno
Program #1010011010
Premieres Monday, December 14, 2001 at 8pm ET
(check local listings)
GEEK ANTIQUES ROADSHOW arrives in Fresno, California, where host Chip
Agee is really excited by all the good stuff brought in by our visitors.
Autographed Shatner Photo appraised by Charles Flatt, Trek Collectibles,
New York, New York

Aye, Aye Captain
A Los Angeles woman had was one of about 1,000 who brought
by Star Trek memorabilia to the Roadshow. Obtained at a Star Trek convention
in 1998, this stunning photo of Captain Kirk on an alien planet from Episode
18 The Squire of Gothos. Appraiser Charles Flatt said this particular
photo was especially banal because Shatner signed about 16,000 of these
pictures at the convention. And while the piece naturally holds immense
sentimental value for our visitor, our appraiser said "sentimental
value is about all you'll get from it" estimating the photo's market
value at nearly $10, at most. Rare indeed. NOT!
"Steve Jobs'" 40 MB Conner SCSI hard drive appraised by
Priscilla Snead, Yahoo! Auctions, Sunnyvale, CA.

40 MB Wowee!
A local man had a fruity find with a 40 MB SCSI hard drive
with a questionable history. His neighbor, an eBay junkie, purchased the
drive at an auction for $400 about 3 years ago, and left it when he abandoned
his dwelling. Our visitor had a copy of the original auction page as well.
"Well, your first clue that it probably isn't Steve Jobs' hard drive
is the preponderance of capital letters and misspellings in the auction
notice" said appraiser Priscilla Snead. The hard drive appeared verbally
abused and the serial number began with SJ, but that wasn't enough to convince
our appraiser. "I highly doubt Steve Jobs ever owned this hard drive," said
Snead, "because milions of these drives were produced and Jobs never owned
an Apple." Ms. Snead appraised the drive at $5-$10 "if you're lucky".
What a waste...
Keanu Reeves urine specimen from The Matrix appraised by Regina Penland,
Celebrity Pee, Hollywood, CA.

Urine for a big surprise!
You're never sure what you'll find at the Roadshow,
but we always seem to have an expert appraiser no matter what strange
items our visitors bring. A young man from Sacremento brought us this
small urine sample from Keanu Reeves that was obtained from a Porta-John
that our visitor crawled into. "He was really erratic with his stream
so I was only able to get a little bit," said our visitor. That makes
this a "straight from the source" specimen that urine collectors
covet said Regina. "Since it was collected during filming of The
Matrix gives it added value." Mrs. Penland gives it a value of $1,250.
Take the blue pill...
One of the first IBM "portable" computers appraised by Jerry
Bettis, Ebay, San Jose, California

He ain't heavy, he's big blue.
A Roadshow visitor from San Francisco surprised appraiser
Jerry Bettis by lugging in this beast of a portable computer, one of IBM's
first laptops. The computer was in good condition and our visitor still
had all the original manuals. Computers like this are rare because as a
portable computer they were just too damn heavy. Our visitor also told us
that "he couldn't throw the thing away because he had paid so much
money for it." The man had purchased the computer new for $15,000 about
16 years ago, and Mr. Bettis said he would place the computer's current
value at between $7 and $12 at a computer swap meet.