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Sunday  October 22  10:00 PM EDT

Vote Dodgers Flee to Canada

By Brian Briggs

Windsor, Ontario - Rather than face the horrors of voting on election day, many young Americans are choosing to flee the country to avoid the vote.  The unappealing choices of Bush, Gore and various third party candidates are turning these youngsters into vote dodgers.

Hell no, we won't vote!"I love my country," said U or M sophomore Farouk Aziz, "but I will not vote in an unjust election. I'd rather spend the day in Toronto drinking Molson than in the front lines at the polls."  Several members of the Sigma Chi fraternity said they too were "running for the border," although it was unclear whether they meant Canada or Taco Bell.

While many have already fled the country many are staying behind to stage protests on campus.  These demonstrations are filled with chants of "Hell no, we won't vote!", "No choices, no peace," and "One, two, three, four, what the hell we voting for?"  As a show of protest students are also burning their voter registration cards.

While registering to vote is voluntary in the US many students fear that a low turn out at the polls will force Congress to make voting mandatory.  "I'm getting out before they shut down the border," said Brad Culpepper, "I’m prime voting age, and I don't have friends in high places that could get me out of voting."

"The last time we saw protests like this was when we shut down access to the Napster servers," said University President Gerald Miller. "I didn't think these kids followed politics any more."  Bill Clinton has called for calm on campuses, but is readying the National Guard.

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