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Tuesday, August 3 12:00 AM ET

Light Headed (Bad Pun)

By jackrabbit

Before I get started, let me just say that today marks the end of an era. My City of Heroes membership expired today and I'm not renewing. Lets all offer a moment of silence to my departed hero, Whiplynch.

So I drew the tux and put a lot of detail into it. I guess I sort of forgot that gray, when shrunk, loses more detail than say a red or a blue. Please use your imagination when veiwing CJ's tux. Mr. Tickles tuxedo survived the shrinking, though.

No word yet from my college of choice whether or not they'll let me back in. I did get my old High School transcripts though, and I think I should invent a time machine and go back to kick my pre-pubescent ass. It's funny to think of all the projects I have now and the free time I wish I had... it was all on a silver platter for me back then and I chose to barely get by in every class and fill sketchbooks with useless crap instead of applying myself.

If any of you have lazy-ass high school kids with lots of potential, punch them in the head for me right now. Trust me, they'll thank you! (Unless they really don't have potential, in which case they'll resent you for the remainder of their lives and blame you for not supporting them from the head-punching point on).

Liberation draws near! See you next week!

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