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Tuesday, September 18 12:00 AM EDT

High Noon

By jackrabbit

While many of you probably don't remember all the way back to an episode entitled: The Sting, you'll have to pretend for the sake of continuity that this new strip takes place shortly after that one, and not the actual timeframe of 8 months. This isn't "24" and events don't take place along the same timeframe. If they did, our characters would be far too old to engage in antics such as these. Ned would probably in a senior home sucking on Metamucil Mai Tais.

Which brings me to my second point, you may notice that Jack is mysteriously missing from the same fate that befell Ned. Well, again, for the sake of continuity, lets just say that perhaps Jack managed to encourage the judge to dismiss his case with a very convincing oral argument. *cough*

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Fuzzy Logic!! (Actually, if you prefer not to stay tuned and would rather check back on an irregular basis, that would be okay too. Thanks for reading!)

More Fuzzy Logic

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