tha news
The Back Button
Posted 11/24/2000 - 12:13pm EDT
A lot of you have written in asking "What the heck is the back button for?"
Well, our resident internet guru Panders1874
has just posted an article on the various facets of using the back button on your
browser. He goes over the different uses of this button, whether to click or
double-click, and also covers operation in several different browsers. He gets a
little technical so if you're sleepy you might want to read it at another time.
Check it out - The
Back Button: Wow That's Neat.. -Hannibal841
Infineon's new embedded DRAM
Posted 11/24/2000 - 12:13pm EDT
Scared you with the title didn't I? Don't worry I don't know what DRAM means or who
Infineon is for that matter. I grabbed that header from some other site, I was just
checking to see if you were paying attention. Now that you are I just want to pass
along a little advice that may save you a few hours. If you are ever installing a
new computer program, and your geeky brother-in-law can't help, never and I mean NEVER hit
the button marked "Custom". Always hit "Typical" installation,
ALWAYS. I hit custom by accident and I was given a myriad of choices that had my head
spinning for hours. I eventually had to unplug my computer, and start over again.
Don't say I didn't warn you. -Ator276453
Team AOL SuPeRsKiLlZ
Posted 11/24/2000 - 12:13pm EDT
AOL Technica's official SETI@Home team is pleased to announce the completion of their
first work unit. Thanks prettyboy564!!! This moves us off the bottom of the
list ahead of Team North Siberia who are a bunch of loosers cause they can't even finish
one. At our current torrid pace we should have another unit completed by 2004.
Rock on! If you need help installing the software, please visit the SETI@Home
official site, which I would post a link to, but I'm not sure where the site is.. -Cæsar711824
Trojan Worm Virus Affects AOL Chat Rooms
Posted 11/24/2000 - 12:03pm EDT
The virus watchers over at Symantec have announced
a new virus in the wild called kewl. This virus affects users in AOL chat rooms and
makes their keyboard reproduce alternating small caps/large caps in every word. For
example: "Kewl dude". Would turn out "kEwL dUdE". They have yet to
find the method of propagation, but suspect that it may be a trojan worm virus. The
experts suggest deleting all mail from users with an email address without opening
it is the only way to protect your computer. Sounds like a good idea to me.. -Loki45329
Weekend Humor
Posted 11/23/2000 - 7:22pm EDT
Reader gandalf666 pointed us to some AOL humor over at BBspot. At least that's what
he says it is. Most of their humor goes over my head, but these mentioned AOL so I
thought I would get them. Both of them just seemed like AOL press releases to me.
The first "AOL announces the new 1000
hours per month plan tells of a the great new deal that AOL is offering. Sign me up!
The second is about AOLTV and how it's for the not
so bright internet user. I think everybody here could use it. -Hannibal841
Backstreet Boys New Album
Posted 11/23/2000 - 6:45pm EDT
Reader bsbrulz2000 sends us this link about the
upcoming release of the new Backstreet Boys album Black and Blue (as if you didn't know).
The article breaks down the songs on the album in detail and even discusses their
upcoming tour. You can find some more technical information about the album here. Here's hoping they
crush the nsync sales record. That would teach that Justin Timberlake a lesson or
two. -Ator276453
What's a mother-board?
OS: It's like Windows for Apple
Delving Into the Mystery that is Email
Britney Spears
NT is Way Too Complicated
Chat Etiquette: Why?
Right Click Guide: The Inner Sanctum
Linux: Just Too Scary
What's that clicky thing?
AOL Vs. Good Cholesterol
Take the Poll
FAQ: Double clicking