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Thursday, February 11 12:00 AM ET

Google Will Soon Know Exactly What You Are Doing

By Brian Briggs follow me on Twitter.
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Mountain View, CA - In the future your posts to Google Buzz, Google's new social networking tool, could be made automatically by your Nexus One or other Android device, or it may just send all that data for Google for their master plan of tracking everyone and everything on the planet.

Hackers have examined code used in Google's latest Android 2.1 update and found some curious code, which leads them to believe Google is tracking our every movement. This has privacy experts very worried.

"The Nexus One has several ways to track what we are doing," said privacy consultant Brian Miller. "GPS, accelerometer, two microphones, compass and more. They can match all this data with what people post to Google Buzz or other social networks and use this data to determine what a person is doing at all time."

This data collection follows that same pattern as Google using their GOOG-411 service to gather data samples for improving voice recognition software. It's unknown what Google plans to do with this data.

Miller suggested that it will only take a year or so, before Google can tell exactly what we're doing at all times. "By using the microphone to monitor breathing rates and the light sensor, your phone can tell when you're asleep. Lights down and there's heavy breathing? You're masturbating. It will just know. You'll wake up in the morning and they'll be an ad for lotion in your Gmail," said Miller.

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Not everyone was concerned by the privacy implications. "I don't mind if they have all my data. If Google can update all my social networks automatically then just think how much more productive I can be," said one person who wished to remain anonymous.

Google denied passive monitoring of Android phone users, but did say I should spend more time brushing my teeth.

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