Now you too can enjoy my Inbox without the annoying spam. Every week I get some amazing e-mail. Some amazing because of the sheer cluelessness of the sender, some because of the time and energy that went into crafting them and some are just simply amazing.
Looks like some people were hoping that Google would offer searches for free in the new Google stores...
From the Comments on the Story: I have nothing against Google trying to make money and they seem to be darn good at it but it seems like a stretch to be able to get people to make $1.95 searches. I don't think it's exorbitant amount of money, but it's hard for me to imagine people walking in a store to do a Google search. Good luck to them. I envy some of these companies vision. I'd couldn't dream up something like that.
And from the same thread...
Shame on Google wanting to charge people for searches that people have been doing for free all this while. It is a service yes, but then I wouldn't shell out a single penny to search something when I am not sure I'm gonna get what I want... Dexter video game for Wii sounds awesome but how it really will be games after TV and movies not always so great.
Sounds like Google is going to have to offer searches for less in the mall. Although, one reader actually found a Google store...
From: Anna
Date: Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 10:57 AM
Subject: The real Google Store
Dude, you were totally lying about the Google Stores being all white and empty - they sell veggies! See real pic attached.

I bet someone told the shop owner that "Google" meant "veggies" in English.
This week's story about Apple removing all syncing functions from iTunes to block Palm gathered some BBelievers too...
From a thread on something told me to sync all my music last night . Best thing is we don't need itunes but the iphone does. Those owners must be ****ed
From another thread on i don't understand... apple removed complete syncing capabilities for any device including iphone and ipods. so.. how are those user supposed to get their music on to their devices? O.o
I think to many people have iphones to ban them
all plus what about other pda phones they can
catch and fire and stuff
More fun in both those threads.
That's all for today. Stay geeky!