Monday, May 11 12:00 AM ET
Take this quiz to find out which Star Trek movie most closely matches your personality. You need to answer all the questions to get an accurate result.
Favorite Enterprise Captain: Kirk (Pine) Picard Spock Kirk (Shatner) Pike
Favorite Star Trek Series? The Next Generation Deep Space Nine The Original Series Enterprise Voyager
Favorite Star Trek Alien Race Ferengi Vulcan Borg Klingon Romulan
Best Star Trek Movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn Star Trek XI Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Star Trek: First Contact
Best Star Trek Technology Transporter Geordi's Visor Holodeck Warp Drive Data
Favorite Color Uniform Maroon Red Rainbow Yellow Blue
Most Likely to Save the Ship Data Spock Wesley Crusher Kirk Time Travel
Favorite Catchphrase He's dead Jim. I'm a doctor, not a... Live long and prosper Resistance is futile Fascinating
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