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Tuesday, December 9 12:00 AM EDT

Signs Santa Needs a New IT Elf

11. Hacked naughty / nice list posted on
10. Uses emacs when vi would do.
9. Servers keep overheating in the freaking North Pole.
8. Caught putting hidden Web cam in girl elf locker room.
7. Sent 4 bags of toys to a Nigerian Prince as proof of trust.
6. Spends too much time cybering with his Night Elf warrior in Stormwind.
5. Reindeer too fat to fly due to misconfigured cronjob on Reindeer-Feeding server.
4. Insists on using blue CAT-5 cable instead of red and green ones.
3. Delay in responding to letters because he didn't check to see if there were Vista drivers for Santa's printer.
2. He set root password to 'santasucks'.
1. Elves spending more time looking at elf-porn than making toys.

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This one goes to 11.

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