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Tuesday, October 28 12:00 AM EDT

Ways to Scare a Geek

11. Tell them Lucas is reworking the Original Star Wars trilogy again to add Jar Jar Binks.
10. Spray fried motherboard scented Air Freshener.
9. Alter their Hosts file to redirect to a 404 message.
8. Send them a fake notification from their ISP saying they will no longer provide Internet service because of porn downloads with a carbon copy to their mom.
7. Make IE their default browser.
6. Hire Steve Ballmer to be their life coach.
5. Make a Clippy add-on for OpenOffice.
4. Change their ringtone to Steve Ballmer yelling "Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers!"
3. Install a fake Antivirus on their Linux box and have it say their machine is infected.
2. Inform them that Comcast will be the only high speed ISP for the whole country.
1. Tell them FOX is making The X-Files: Reopened, but starring Clay Aiken and Ashlee Simpson.

Story Options:

This one goes to 11.

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