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Tuesday, October 6 12:00 AM EDT

Excuses for Not Helping Fix Your Parent's Computer

11. Not receiving Optimus Prime in the Christmas of 1988 has left you too psychologically scarred to fix the computer.
10. You're afraid you may find dad's porn stash, and you don't want to be responsible for breaking up the marriage (or finding out that mom's ok with it).
9. You've told them a million times that's an electric typewriter, not a computer.
8. They raised you not to be taken advantage of.
7. Too hard to find parts these days for a Coleco Adam.
6. You tell them "if they let it die now, it will become more powerful than they could possibly imagine" and they didn't laugh and that pissed you off.
5. They refuse to do anything about the spider infestation in the basement.
4. Being stuck in solitaire is not an error.
3. You don't support Macs/Windows/Linux/TRSDOS or whatever version of OS they have any more.
2. In the middle of a Star Trek movie marathon.
1. You told them to set the broken computer under their pillow and the tech support fairy will come fix it. It's not your fault they stayed up late.

Story Options:

This one goes to 11.

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