I had two choices for trailers to review this week, Pixar’s latest effort Wall-E and the latest Matrix rip off Wanted. I figured it’s a bit pointless to review a Pixar film until they make one that really sucks, otherwise what’s the point? It’ll be good. Next.
Wanted on the other hand is a trailer full of mystery and intrigue, and gets a rare split recommendation from me.
The trailer opens with Wesley Gibson (James McEvoy) complaining about his miserable life while we see him typing away at a keyboard. He does a vanity search for his name on Google and doesn’t find anything. What a loser.
WTF is up with my elbow? |
The weird thing is that the voice over is done without his Scottish accent. His character has the accent. Why once with and accent and a voice over without?
That opening scene with the voice over immediately made me think of The Matrix, and like Neo and Aladdin, Wesley Gibson has his eyes opened up to a whole new world
Angelina Jolie drops by the grocery store to tell Gibson that his father was one of the world’s greatest assassins, and the other one just happens to be… BEHIND YOU! I know it makes for an action sequence, but couldn’t she have told him a few minutes earlier to avoid the guy?
Jolie takes Gibson to the Fraternity of assassins. Morgan Freeman tells him to shoot the wings off some buzzing flies with some chopsticks, wait, wrong movie, with a gun. Just to make things interesting, another guy puts a gun to his head. And you thought hazing in college was difficult?
Action has a new face
and it's, um, this guy. |
We learn that the Fraternity has trained assassins for thousands of years. They are the weapons of fate. They kill only to save the lives of others. Of course, there are evil assassins, probably from Delta Delta Delta.
We see the other l337 skills of the assassins. They can curve bullets. Angelina Jolie puts herself in the path of the bullet so Gibson can curve it around her head. Wouldn’t it be safer to curve it around a glass of water or an LCD monitor with a picture of Angelina Jolie? Just saying…
Then we get another scene from The Matrix. Agent Smith jumps out a sky skyscraper window with his guns blazing. This scene is to once again psychologically link this movie with The Matrix in your head. “Join us!”
Finally the trailer ends with an action montage of flying cars, flying people, flying trains and even more flying cars.
Ending Prognostication: The good assassins will win, but one or more will die in combat. The thousand-year Fraternity will continue for a possible sequel.
Conclusion on Trailer: This is a fun trailer to watch with cool special effects, Angelina Jolie and a special guest appearance by Google. It’s worth the download.
Conclusion on Movie: I don’t often recommend the trailer and not recommend the movie, but this is one of those cases. The two things that turn me off are the green screen effect evident in a lot of the scenes, and my fear that the trailer gives away most of the cool scenes.