At BBspot we don't worry about boring technical specifications or mind-numbing growth figures when doing our comparisons. We leave those tedious details to other sites who are more concerned with accuracy than entertainment. In the end our awards are just as worthless as theirs, so why not have some fun with it. For this showdown, messaging / microblogging / overhyped services Twitter and Pownce face off. If you're still reading this introduction you really should improve your Web page scanning skills. We put images and bolded things for a reason, you know. Get on with it already.
Pownce - It's going to jump on top of you, LOOK OUT!!!
Twitter - At least it's not Twitr, but that's about all you can say for it. One of the most annoying names since Flooz.
Advantage - Pownce
Best Anagram
Twitter - Wert Tit (only)
Pownce - Cow Pen
Advantage - Twitter
Google Fights
We compare these two services with some randomly generated phrases to see which comes out on top...
The best two out of three wins...
People on Twitter are annoying - 262,000 results
People on Pownce are annoying - 66,100 results
Twitter loses.
Winner: Pownce
Kevin Rose started Twitter - 473,000
Kevin Rose started Pownce - 93,300
Inaccurate but very telling...
Winner: Twitter pwns Pownce
I'm unemployed because of Twitter - 83,700
I'm unemployed because of Pownce - 2,650
We know who's to blame for the flagging economy...
Winner: Pownce
Advantage: Pownce
MC Hammer
Stop... Twitter time.
Stop... Pownce time.
Advantage: Twitter
Favorite Superhero
Twitter - Robin
Pownce - Spider-Woman
Advantage - Tie
Virtual Coin Flip - Best of 11
The virtual coin flipper was used at I chose the Antoninus Pius - Bronze Sesterius - Roman Empire coin.
Twitter - Heads
Pownce - Tails
Results: H-H-H-H-T-H-T-H-T-H-T
Advantage: Twitter
Despite its larger user base, Twitter barely defeats Pownce 3-2 with one tie and wins the BBspot Technical Award of Excellence.

See our other showdowns.
Ubuntu Vs. Vista
iPod Vs. Zune
Firefox Vs. Internet Explorer
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Radeon X800 Vs. GeFORCE 6800
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