Now you too can enjoy my Inbox without the annoying spam. Every week I get some amazing e-mail. Some amazing because of the sheer cluelessness of the sender, some because of the time and energy that went into crafting them and some are just simply amazing.
It appears that a few legitimate sites picked up our story about the new Xbox-ercise program from Microsoft as well as some other BBelievers...
All Microsoft and Sony do is steal from Nintendo anymore.
Okay, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: WiiSpit, or whatever the hell it is, and this Next Box thingymajig are the biggest wastes of money ever!
And then Tom's Hardware fell for it...
From: Juan
Date: Fri, May 23, 2008 at 2:14 PM
Subject: I can't believe they fell for it at
Check out the screen capture They took the story down but the link is still showing on the home page.
The fifth story under "Latest News" on the left.

Click image or here for bigger image.
The Inquirer posted a story on it, but I have to believe they were in on the joke...
SOFTWARE GIANT Microsoft is so worried that Nintendo will dominate the market for lardy geeks...
$10 Gas
I knew I'd hear from a Belgian after my comments in the last Mailbag . . .
From: Jean-Marc
Date: Wed, May 21, 2008 at 4:59 AM
Subject: Belgium and price of gas
To: Brian Briggs
You can't walk across Belgium in 15 minutes. There's this language
barrier in the middle you'd have to cross, and even with the proper
authorizations, it takes ages for them to be thoroughly checked. Plus,
the actual language test itself takes about half an hour.
As an aside, with two belgian readers, you're probably very
high-ranked in the most popular web sites visited in Belgium. (That's
to fuel further your so-typical american attitude of not knowing right
anything about Belgium. What if Belgium was a complete myth, anyway?
Just a joke that the rest of Europe put on you americans, and laugh
when you talk about it like it even existed? Did you even consider
that possibility? Ermm, sorry, I may not actually talk to you about
Signed: a pissed-off fren... I mean, Belgian citizen.
The myth of Belgium exposed!
Weekly Limerick
The winner of the 2003 and 2006 Geek Limerick contest has volunteered to write a weekly limerick for BBspot. Seth also has a new book out that you should take a look at..
From: Seth
If you eat too much food when you dine,
And you still seem to smoke all the time,
No point blaming yourself
For your lack of good health;
Blame your friends in your networks online