who ever you are, i hope you don't mind i keep sending you my message, simply just for maintains my hope, that's all, i'm very sorry for disturbing you, but i really do need some hope in every ways, even though my message to you becoming a joke at BBspot, and everybody laugh at my message, but it's okay with me, at least my message can feed a little contributions for BBspot, it's kind of win win solution i guess, mr. brigs can get a profit from everybody who visiting BBspot, and i get my hope.
So what would you do with this guy? Let me know. There's still the other guy though...
do you really can broke? after what you've done donating over a U$12mio, can you really crush down to poverty? and not able to help anyone again? then you must sign your self to the Guinness Book of Record i guess...
I just might have to do that. World's Biggest Loser - Esenam Ayele.
From: Guy
Date: Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:02 AM
Subject: Freedom of Choice
To: briggsb@bbspot.com
I know this is fanboyism at its worst, but every proprietary app you just listed works perfectly under OSX, as do all the free alternatives. Thanks to OSX being UNIX compliant and it's X11 / Xdarwin windowing system, 99% of linux apps will also run natively. Oh, and the OSX kernel is open source as well. And due to the recent Intel switch you can run Windows, OSX, and Linux off of the same machine, even simultaneously.
Just had to throw that out there.
Of course, switching to an Apple adds a significant cost and removes games from the equation. New hardware and software, and I'm in the same boat as far as IP is concerned. Plus, the main selling point of Apple - "it's pretty" means nothing to me. I won't be switching to a Mac anytime soon.
From: Goran
Date: Sun, May 11, 2008 at 6:54 PM
Subject: Freedom of Choice
To: briggsb@bbspot.com
All of those Linux alternatives can be found for Windows, very often working better on Windows.
So now, tell me, why do you need Linux on your laptop? Apache? Bind? Qmail? Any server application?
Or the butt-ugly GUI with horrible font rendering and slower-than-in-Windows desktop applications like OpenOffice, Firefox, Mplayer, VLC...?
I find enough freedom with Windows, without Stallman & Co. telling me what should be free for me. Heck, as I said, I find OpenOffice, Mozilla, VLC working good enough, even better on Windows. And I use frequently open-source apps written only for Windows, like Miranda and 7-Zip. Also, I am free to (shudder) buy some closed-source shareware (like PowerDVD or WinDVD), right?
Besides, I don't depend on the repository of my distro to tell me what's good for my OS, and prepackage it in some deb/rpm, otherwise you're in the ./configure | make hell...
Never mind... remember, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace is your best friend when working in X. ;-)
I didn't realize there were people that passionate about Windows. Eek!
The winner of the 2003 and 2006 Geek Limerick contest has volunteered to write a weekly limerick for BBspot. Seth also has a new book
out that you should take a look at..