Other tech sites will bore you with in-depth "technical details" and performance specs in their product analysis. At BBspot we pull back from the boring benchmarks to compare the superficialities, and we do it all on a single page.
Since the dawn of video tape, movie studios and technology companies have strived to develop new formats to allow you to repurchase movies in new formats. This allows them to increase profits, while limiting production cost. Sadly for this next-generation of repurchases, the corporations can't agree on which format will make them the most money. Will it be Blu-Ray or HD DVD?
We take a look at these two formats and try not to dig too deep. Here's what we found...
HD DVD - Combining a new acronym (HD) with an old one (DVD) may make it easier for people to understand, but it's hardly inspiring. I fear it could lead to an ever-lengthening string of initials for future generations. SP RL HD DVD XX anyone?
Blu-Ray - It could be the sea creature that killed the Crocodile Hunter, or maybe it's what Han Solo shoots at the stormtroopers. You may not know what it is at first glance, but you're impressed.
Advantage - Blu-Ray
Domain Names
HDDVD.com - Takes you to a "news" site about HD DVD. You'd think the international conglomerates behind the technology could've secured the domain before making the name.
Blu-ray.com - Almost exactly the same site for Blu-ray as there is for HD-DVD. Didn't either of them think ahead?
Advantage - Tie
Say It in Reverse
DVD DH - Sounds like the movie guy who hits for you when you're pitching, but at least it's still movie related thanks to the palindromic DVD.
Yar-ulb - Sounds like one of those extra characters from Star Wars that they created just to sell toys, but was only on the screen for ten seconds.
Advantage - HD DVD
Google Fights
The best two out of three wins...
Porn looks better on HD DVD - 625,000 results
Porn looks better on Blu-ray - 293,000 results
For porn HD DVD is the winner.
Winner: HD DVD
Buying HD DVD disks supports terrorism - 466,000 results
Buying Blu-ray disks supports terrorism - 239,000 results
Winner: Blu-ray
HD DVD molested me as a child - 11,00
Blu-ray molested me as a child - 13,200 results
Winner: HD DVD
Advantage: HD DVD
Outer Planets
What are the people on the outer planets of Xymorf using these days?
HD DVD - I could lie and say that I know the answer to this one. Instead I'll just make something up.
Blu-ray - After a centuries long battle that engulfed the entire Xymorfian civilization, the forces of HD DVD defeated the forces of Blu-ray at the Battle of Kilhethilak.
Advantage: HD-DVD
Celebrity Crime
Which DVD format would be most likely used in commission of a crime by a celebrity?
Would O. J. Simpson choose to stab his wife with this format?
HD DVD - Yes
Blu-ray - Yes
Would Lindsay Lohan drive this disk drunk?
HD DVD - Yes
Blu-ray - Yes
Would Keith Richards snort this one?
HD DVD - Yes
Blu-ray - Yes
Would Wil Wheaton knit this one into a clown sweater and wear it?
HD DVD - Yes
Blu-ray - Yes
Advantage: Tie
Virtual Coin Flip - Best of 11
The virtual coin flipper was used at random.org. I chose the rather appropriate Chinese 150 Yuan for flipping:
HD DVD - Heads
Blu-ray - Tails
Results: H-T-T-T-H-T-H-T-H-T-T
Advantage: Blu-ray
It was a close fought battle, but HD DVD beats Blu-ray by a score of 3-2 with 2 ties. HD DVD wins our Technical Award of Excellence.

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