For the past ten years or so I've lived in the dark, afraid to make the decisions that would increase my quality of living, improve my love life, and advance my career. Why? Because I went through the last decade using Hotmail, drudging through each day, weary, dreary, and tired.
But with new Windows Hotmail Live,, I received an email makeover that would change my world. I upgraded from regular, boring Hotmail to new Windows Live Hotmail, a bold rebranded email service, and now I am starting to feel more confident, more empowered, more alive!
This virtual change for me was so radical, so eye-opening, it was like sniffing a bar of Zest in the shower!
A person can be measured by his online appearance, and a person's email address represents a lot about them. Before, I was shy and nervous, unwilling to take chances or sign up to mailing lists or forums. I was embarrassed because the "@" attached to the end of my name dragged behind me like a rusty old ball and chain.
However, now that I have made the change from ordinary Hotmail to Windows Live Hotmail, I feel like that skinny comic-strip weakling from the beach who took the Charles Atlas course. With this stronger, more powerful Web-based email solution, now I can be the one who kicks sand in people's faces!
With plain old Hotmail, I would never have dreamed of emailing my boss and asking him for a raise. But with this re-architected, more mature email service, I'm not going to hesitate twice before clicking the send button!
No longer will I be ashamed or embarrassed of my email account. With the old Hotmail, I was too scared to interact with women. But with Windows Hotmail Live, I have enough confidence to add Cindy from accounting to my Facebook friends list (that would make two, including mother!).
No longer will I be that pathetic wallflower that uses an incohesive, spam-riddled service. This modern and mature application has unlocked my potential. Like Windows Live Hotmail, I too will overcome my own insecurities, and I will integrate back into society. I will be the master of my own domain (as soon as I register it)!
Get ready Cindy, because you're soon going to be receiving some jokes, funny animal pictures, and other viral emails that will rock your world! Thank you, Windows Live Hotmail.