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Tuesday, February 6 12:00 AM EDT

Things Geeks Said at the Super Bowl Party

11. Devin Hester would totally own as a Warsong Gulch flag carrier.
10. I'm so glad I made that bet on both teams' final scores being prime numbers!
9. LFG Baron Run PST!!! Where is everybody?
8. I wonder what language they used to program the light show?
7. This game would've looked so much better in 1080p.
6. I know how Rex Grossman feels. In eighth grade I missed two questions during the quiz bowl finals and our team lost.
5. That was totally Kevin Rose in that Go Daddy commercial. I have all my domains with them.
4. How did you like the Rokeg Blood Pie? It's just like Worf's mom used to make.
3. Wow, that guy sure kicked a lot of touchdowns, huh?
2. Can somebody look up the mass of a football? I want to calculate how much more momentum Manning's passes have than Grossman's.
1. I told you we'd get great pings at this hour.

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