Monday, August 7 12:00 AM EDT
Take this quiz to find out which programming language most closely matches your personality. You need to answer all the questions to get an accurate result.
Your drawing abilities are: Sketched Stick Figures First Grade quality crayon drawings Pretty decent M.C. Escher would be proud Complex photorealistic oil paintings
If you came to a fork in the road would you... Take the one less traveled by Go down one road then come back and go down the other Consult your GPS unit Turn around and go home Write about it in my blog
Favorite nonalphanumeric character: $ # } + What's alphanumeric mean?
Founding Fathers: Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, etc. Babbage, Turing, Wirth, etc. Gates, Allen, Ballmer, etc. John, Paul, Ringo, etc. Flying Spaghetti Monster
I like solving a problem... From the top down From the bottom up Laterally From outside the box By looking at someone else's paper
Favorite term for a programmer? Code Monkey Hacker Hey you Computer Scientist Rajib
Pick your favorite phrase: I've got the world on a string Money is no object Pearls of wisdom Assembly line I C++ what you're saying
Old school gaming character you most resemble? Mario Ms. Pac-man Q-bert Mr. Do Bartender from Tapper
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