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Tuesday, February 7 12:00 AM EDT

Things Geeks Did During the Super Bowl

11. Told people they used for all their domains.
10. Played Madden 2006 online; Pittsburgh vs. Seattle.
9. Blogged about how meaningless the superbowl is.
8. Worked on a MythTV box in anticipation of the new Battlestar Galactica season.
7. Watched Family Guy rerun.
6. Tried to hack ABC's mobile master control system in order to provide more close ups of the hot cheer leaders.
5. Did momentum calculations in their heads to see if they could survive a hit from 325 lb. Casey Hampton.
4. Tivoed the game in hopes of Mick Jagger nipple slip.
3. Playing Mortal Kombat with a friend in Vietnam .
2. Wondered why all their cool friends weren't online.
1. Bragged about their HDTV and their home-built home theater system.

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