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Wednesday, September 21 12:00 AM ET

BBspot Mailbag

Now you too can enjoy my Inbox without the annoying spam. Every week I get some amazing e-mail. Some amazing because of the sheer cluelessness of the sender, some because of the time and energy that went into crafting them and some are just simply amazing.


What is it with these Yu-Gi-Oh fans? Yet another one lays into me for my trailer review from over a year ago...

From: Patricia
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 10:03 AM

You sir. Are an ass. You know nothing about something and so you bitch slap it across the face just because "you don't like the genre" Well if you don't like it, DON'T BLOODY WRITE ABOUT IT! No-one wants to hear your wining and non-sense over a movie made for kids. And my impression it seems to be more like the card game Magic: The Gathering than anything. THAT is what it's a rip off from, and I've not played it since I was a kid. Heh, I just go around reading reviews and I can't STAND jerks like you, so I couldn't help but bitch slap you like you did that movie. Cheers and hope someone pops that over inflated head of yours.

Let this e-mail be a warning to all parents to never, NEVER let your kids play Yu-Gi-Oh.

Here's a message board BBeliever for the new 1.5 speakers...

6.7 on the Richter scale my ass.  I have a feeling that was measured with the subs stacked on top of each other with the meter on top.

One reader did some trolling for BBelievers on the ICANN banning the use of WWW story. He was successful...

I think the [$10,000] fine will only apply in extreme circumstances.


was this formally announced anywhere by icann?


Why would we get fined $10,000?!

The WWW story also appeared as a legitimate news item on a site...

This week I received two different emails from readers critical of the Esenam Ayele BBelievers...

From: Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:27 PM
Subject: Interesting fact

In regards to your Nigerian Millionaire, I find it to be strange that all of these e-mails you get from poor people who have no money and are suffering from various forms of cancer and other medical illnesses and cannot afford to pay the bills, or were abducted by aliens who stole their identity to pay for a trip to Vegas...all of them are apparently capable of connecting to the internet. So, perhaps in order to pay these bills, they should stop surfing the net, sell their computers, and save that money for these supposed deficits they are so entrenched in.


Prompted by my trailer review, several readers wrote in with more information about the film...

From: Randall
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 4:03 AM
To: Brian Briggs
Subject: Serenity trailer

I'm sure I won't be the first to tell you this, but there are three things you should know about the plot (from Firefly) to understand the trailer better:

1. The hot fox super ninja happens to be the doctor's sister (he being another member of the rebels' crew.) This somewhat puts a damper on any plans the Captain might have (and he's been shown to be very honorable in this department in past episodes of the show.)

2. More importantly, she's just a little bit crazy. As in,
don't-bother-with-the-straitjacket-and-skip-straight-to-the-steel-cage* crazy. She's not really capable of forming stable acquaintanceships, never mind going beyond friendship.

3. If you have any contact with a person who can loan you the Firefly DVD set, it's worth the 12 or so hours it'll take to watch. I'm not sure I could recommend actually buying it, but I'm a cheap bastard.

Anyway, just some additional information for you and your readers.

*Other fans are likely to suggest I'm being a bit harsh on her. Hey, if I were in the Captain's shoes, that's what I'd do.

That's all for this week!

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