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Thursday, October 14 12:00 AM EDT

Which File Extension Are You?

You can cheat and pick one of the graphics below. You can even use my bandwidth if you link the image back to the quiz at:

You are .bak.  You are a life saver, but you're not always around.  Not enough people utilize your skills, because they think you're a waste of space.

You are .c You have potential, but are often the source of problems and frustration.  One misplaced word and you get stuck in an infinite loop.

You are .cgi Your life seems a bit too scripted, and sometimes you are exploited.  Still a  workhorse though.

You are .dll You are dynamic.  You are constantly in danger of bringing down the house, because you don't play well with others.

You are .doc You change from year to year, just to make things tough on your competition.  Only your creator really has a handle on you.

You are .exe When given proper orders, you execute them flawlessly.  You're familiar to most, and useful to all.

You are .gif Sometimes you are animated, but usually you just sit there and look pretty.

You are .html You are versatile and improving, but you do have your limits.  When you work with amateurs it can get quite ugly.

You are .inf You are informative.  When you are gone you make life very difficult for others.

You are .jpg You are very colorful.  Sometimes you forget things, or distort the truth.  You like working with pictures more than words.

You are .mp3 The kids love you.  You get along with just about everybody except the music industry.  You really make yourself heard.

You are .mpg You live life like it was a movie.  Constantly in motion, you bring pleasure to many, but are often hidden away.

You are .ogg Even though many people consider you cool and happening, a lot still find that you're a bit too weird to hang out with.

You are .pdf  No matter where you go you look the same.  You are an acrobat.  Nothing is more important to you than the printed word.

You are .ppt  You present yourself well, but co-workers still find you bording and annoying.  Keep it brief and you'll be well-liked.

You are .rm You try to keep it real, but you're just a servant of the stream.  Nobody really likes you all that much.

You are .rpm  You have a nice package.  You can be useful, but your many variations sometimes make you tough to find.  You aren't apt to get jealous.

You are .scr  You are sneaky. and often cause a lot of trouble for people.  You should be avoided.

You are .*	 You are a wildcard.  You are everything to everybody.  You can't make up your mind as to what you want to be.

You are .swf You are flashy, but lack substance.  You like playing, but often you are annoying. Grow up.

You are .tar You are rarely seen without your buddy gz. You're talented at bringing ideas together, so they're easier to work with.

You are .tmp  Your existence is fleeting.  Here today, gone tomorrow.  Sometimes you stay longer than necessary, and take up space.

You are .txt The one everybody knows and relies on, but avoids in social settings because you're very boring and non-descript.

You are .vbs You never met an idiot you didn't like.  Anybody with any intelligence loathes you.  Just go away.

You are .wad You like to shoot first and ask questions later. You spend most of your time gaming, or killing things.

You are .xls You have a good head for numbers. You like to keep things neatly arranged.  Change one part of your life, and you change it all.

You are .zip You make people feel small, but in a good way. Everybody knows you. The more you age, the more useful you are.

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