Thursday, October 14 12:00 AM EDT
Take this quiz to find out which file extension most closely matches your personality. You need to answer all the questions to get an accurate result.
How many spoonfuls of sugar do you put in your coffee? Sugar in my coffee? Are you crazy? Exactly one As many as it takes! Spoonfuls are inexact. I use a precision scale. I don't drink coffee
It's your day off, and you have to clean the house. What do you do? Clean up first, then relax. Play Doom 3 and watch Kill Bill, and think of cleaning up. That box of junk can stand to be in the corner for another month or so. Why would I need to clean the house if I always keep it neat and tidy? Mmmmm, dirt.
Your favorite type of video game is: First Person Shooter Puzzle RPG Platform There is only one video game, Minesweeper be thy name.
I'd rather read a book by Michael Crichton John Grisham J. K. Rowling Stephen King I'd rather burn my eyes out with a hot poker.
To me, Anime is People with blue hair Big-breasted women in skimpy outfits A fantastic form of art ^_^ AN1ME is w00t! LOL!!!1 kekekekeke Crap
The only tool I ever need is: a hammer a swiss army knife the pointy stick the leatherman a chainsaw
What is your political classification? Liberal Conservative Centrist Extremist I hate labels.
Worst excuse? Dog ate my homework. Computer crashed before I could save. I was abducted by aliens. I had a bad experience with mayo as a kid. I'm paralyzed.
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