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Thursday, June 24 12:00 AM ET

Two New Makeover Shows Push the Limits

By Brian Briggs

Hollywood, CA - Two new reality makeover programs promise to push the genre to the limits of acceptability. On TLC's While You Were Frozen, a cryogenically-frozen family has their home revamped over twenty years. On Fox's Surprise Surgery unsuspecting victims are tranquilized, then doctors perform multiple plastic surgeries.

An ideal candidate for Fox's Surprise Surgeries is Bryan Bryggs

"Sure, kidnapping and assault are illegal, but after the contestants see how much better they look, they won't press charges," said Surprise Surgery producer Thomas Lobern. To help avoid lawsuits the show plans to target ugly poor people.

"I hope they shoot me with those darts and fix me up," said a gap-toothed, flat-chested Violet Westerson, "I guarantee I won't press charges."

Like Violet, many people are eager to be tranquilized with darts, so fashions featuring a bullseye have been on the increase before the premiere.

The main concerns for While You Were Frozen center on safety issues rather than legal. Currently, no technologies allow safe thawing, but producers hope that by the end of the twenty years something will have been developed. "If not, their heirs will at least have a nicely decorated home," said Chief Counsel for TLC Emily Clyburn.

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TLC does require the contestants to change their wills to leave everything to the network in case of any "accidents."

"While You Were Frozen is an ambitious project," said one TV critic, "With most reality shows lasting only one season, it's hard to see how they expect this one to last more than twenty."

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