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Wednesday, August 15 12:00 PM EDT

Ways Geeks Coped with the Blackout

11. Calling friends in California to try to get them to play your VGA Planets turns for you.
10. Going to the mall and trying to get into the "employees only" areas because you're curious and there's little or no security.
9. Underclocking your CPU to make the UPS last longer.
8. Putting the aquarium in front of the window every time you walk away from it so the image doesn't get burned in.
7. Driving around looking for strip clubs that don't charge to let you in.
6. Instant messaging someone with your phone and using your voice.
5. Getting frustrated because Solitaire is too much of a strain with a real deck of cards.
4. Mimicking single people at the bar, and making snide comments under your breath (BBspot webmasters only).
3. Driving from store to store trying to find the one with the best price who's willing to ship your new hard drive for free.
2. Spray painting "It is now safe to shutdown your computer" on the ceiling of your bedroom.
1. Setting old Microsoft Works manuals on fire in living room in an attempt to heat water to make coffee.

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