
Wednesday, August 17 12:00 PM EDT

Things You Won't Overhear at the DefCon Hacker Conference

11. "Gosh I can't decide speech I want to see 'Copying DVDs in 3 Easy Steps' by Jack Valenti, or 'DRM is for Losers' by Hilary Rosen."
10. "Oh what the heck, I can trust you. My root password is..."
9. "No, seriously, I'm celibate by choice."
8. "Do you have any caffeine-free diet Pepsi?"
7. "I really feel that we've got too MANY civil liberties right now."
6. "I think my problem is that I get too much sleep."
5. "Maybe we're spending too much time with our computers, and not enough time smelling the roses - metaphorically speaking of course."
4. "So you're telling me there's an Outlook AND an Outlook Express? Now I'm really confused!"
3. "Anyone for a Lemmings LAN party?"
2. "I haven't had this much fun since that Visual Basic class I took at Community College."
1. "Last game for me. It's WAAYY past my bedtime."

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