
Tuesday, June 4 12:01 AM EST

11 Questions with Andrew Marlatt

By Brian Briggs

BBspot (6): Have you ever had any complaints from companies or people that you've
satirized? What did they say?

Andy: A few. did not like the way I portrayed their CEO in a piece I did about Sally Struthers asking to save the starving dotcoms. Their CEO, whom I had actually interviewed in New York less than a year earlier for Internet World, was one of the CEOs I said you could adopt and send money to. They asked me to take him out, and I said no, and they said... "Oh, damn." It's still on the site here.

BBspot (7): There's been a broader scope to SatireWire's topics in the past year. Was this a conscious decision on your part?

Andy: Unlike, say, BBspot, I can't maintain focus for too long on one area, so that was part of it. Also, I just got tired of writing about business and tech exclusively, and lastly, I'm not technical by nature. So at the end of September, when I had the book turned in to Random House, I broadened the site out and wrote about whatever came to mind. It was very freeing, and has made it much more fun to come to work.

BBspot (8): Could you explain what sort of psychedelics you were on when you
created this? As a follow up to that - Does magic pony rainbow sandwich albatross?

Andy: I honestly don't see what's unusual about that chart. Now if it were creamed whale, that would be kinda weird.

Pilasters range, you know? They just range.

BBspot (9): I know SatireWire stories are sometimes bought by the likes of The Washington Post, but what's the coolest place that's ever run something of yours? (And The Post would not count as "cool." It would count as "old.")

Andy: The Australian Broadcasting Corp., which is a radio network akin to NPR in the States, occasionally buys stories and hires actors to read them on the air. I just like the idea of Australian actors reading the stuff. Australia is cool.

BBspot (10): Why a book and not Economy of Errors: the Broadway musical?

Andy: Starring former Cleveland Thunderbolts arena player Andrew Marlatt!
He'd be better at that than football.

BBspot (11): How many copies of your book, "Economy of Errors: SatireWire Gives
Business the Business," would you suggest that people buy at a time?

Andy: As a rule, jewelers recommend you spend one-fourth of your annual income on satire.

If you were weird and started on questions 6-11 go back to the first part of the interview

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