April 19 9:17 AM EDT
Tips and Tricks: Web Page Design
By Brian Briggs
Are you a webmaster? Here are some helpful
hints to attract users to your site and keep them coming back.
- A catchy domain name is what you'll need. Try to make it
sound as much like a popular site as you can. Maybe something
like www.Yahooters.com.
- If you have enough monkeys and enough typewriters eventually
they'll type out a Shakespearean play. Just think what 1
monkey and a 750 MHz Pentium III computer can do for your web page.
- Advanced internet users like a challenge. Try using a bright
yellow background and a light yellow font color.
- Everybody loves music and nobody doesn't like Lou Bega, make
Mambo #5 your background music.
- A picture tells a thousand words. Try using graphics instead
of text wherever you can.
- Your site needs to be unique or users won't visit. Try
to set the world record for most pop-up porn windows. That
will really attract attention.
- 54% of people tune in the Super Bowl just to watch the commercials. Turn
that to your advantage with a site full of banner ads!
- Using underlined blue text that
isn't linked randomly throughout your page, keeps your visitors
guessing and adds an element of excitement.
- Frames within frames within frames.
- Not enough sites are taking advantage of broadband technology. Try
to make your pages as large as possible.
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